Adult Speech TherapyOther speech-language pathology clinics treat all ages and disorders, however, here at Progress Neuro, we focus on neurological rehabilitation for adults following stroke, brain injury, dementia, or neurodegenerative disease. We specialize in Parkinson's speech, stroke rehabilitation, Cognitive rehabilitation, dementia, and swallowing disorders. |
AphasiaAphasia does not affect intelligence, although there can be accompanying cognitive impairments. Stroke survivors can remain mentally alert, even though their speech may be jumbled, fragmented or impossible to understand. Some survivors continue to have:
- Trouble speaking -Trouble finding words - Problems understanding what others say -Problems with reading, writing or math We can help. Call Today! |
DysarthriaWe use many muscles to talk. These include muscles in our face, lips, tongue, and throat, as well as muscles for breathing. It is harder to talk when these muscles are weak. Dysarthria happens when you have weak muscles due to brain damage. You may continue to have:
-Slurred or slow speech -Inability to speak louder than a whisper or speaking too loudly -Uneven or abnormal speech rhythm or speed -Monotone speech We can help. Call Today! |
SwallowingA swallowing disorder is also called dysphagia (dis-FAY-juh). Swallowing happens in three stages, or phases The oral phase (mouth), the pharyngeal phase (throat), and esophageal phase. You can have a problem in one or more of these phases. A swallowing problem may lead to poor nutrition, dehydration, aspiration (food/liquid entering the lungs), pneumonia, and social isolation. Symptoms may include:
- coughing during or right after eating or drinking -clearing your throat often after eating or drinking -having a wet or gurgly voice during or after eating or drinking -feeling like something is stuck in your throat or chest after eating or drinking -needing extra work or time to swallow -having food or liquid leak from your mouth -food getting stuck in your mouth We can help. Call Today! |
Speech for Parkinson'sWe are a licensed provider of LSVT LOUD, a research based treatment protocol shown to improve loudness and intonation of speech, speech clarity, and facial expression in people with P.D.
People often see the best results with LSVT LOUD upon diagnosis, or before they notice significant problems, however, it's NEVER TOO LATE to START! LSVT LOUD is an intensive treatment that requires one hour treatment sessions, four days a week for four weeks, along with daily homework exercises. It may be recommended you get medical clearance first, or see an ENT to rule out or manage other conditions that can lead to hoarse, soft, or breathy vocal quality. It is helpful to plan ahead with your schedule and determine the best time to start to ensure your success (e.g. no conflicts with upcoming vacations). Ultimately, 16 hours is a very small investment for the benefits of improved communication. You deserve it. Call Today! |
McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program for SwallowingWe are a licensed provider of the McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program (MDTP). MDTP is an intensive, systematic, exercise-based approach to dysphagia therapy in adults. Some people progress from eating little or nothing to a regular diet, or close to it. The program involves a minimum of 15, 1 hour sessions over 3 consecutive weeks, and daily homework, using a hierarchy of food types and volumes to alter the properties of resistance on the swallowing mechanism. It is helpful to plan ahead with your schedule and determine the best time to start to ensure your success without scheduling conflicts. You deserve it. Call today! |
Cognitive RetrainingCognitive therapy or retraining, can help you compensate and improve changes to your cognition or memory. Cognitive impairment after brain injury, stroke, or with dementia can present in many different ways. Some common symptoms include:
-Impaired ability to complete daily tasks (using a calendar, managing medications, managing appointments, using the phone) -Difficulties in problem solving, decision making, and reasoning -Difficulty organizing, initiation, and planning tasks -Difficulty with long or short term memory -Impaired orientation to person, place, time -Poor insight into deficits -Difficulty with inhibition and understanding social cues in conversation -Easily distracted, has difficulty maintaining attention to complete a task -Visual neglect, such as not seeing written words on the left side of the page Therapy may include a combination of techniques. The three main goals are to restore function, compensate for deficits, and educate the client and family about the disorder, it's treatment, and how to best support their loved one. Call Today! |